Eicosanoids, SPM & Vascular Pharmacology

Human vascular tissue research
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Host laboratory for BA, Master and PhD Thesis, contact: xnorel@hotmail.com,  INSERM U1148, Laboratory for Vascular Translational Science (LVTS). CHU X. Bichat, 46, rue Henri Huchard, 75877 Paris Cedex 18, France. Access, map. Tel: 33 1 40 25 75 29
We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. Webmaster: X. Norel (PhD). ©2020-2024 Eicosanoids & Vasc. Pharmacol. about the website
Last update: 6/01/24


LABORATORY: INSERM U1148 (Bichat Hospital) Map
Bus PC
: Stations Porte de Saint-Ouen ou Hôpital Bichat - Claude-Bernard
540, 81: Station Porte de Saint-Ouen
60, 95, 137: Station Porte Montmartre
31: Station Guy-Moquet
Ring road: (Périphérique) Porte de Saint-Ouen
Metro: ligne 13 - Porte de Saint-Ouen
RER Ligne C: arrêt Saint-Ouen (15 min à pied) ou Porte de Clichy puis PC

MEMBERS of the research group Eicosanoids & Vascular Pharmacology:
Xavier Norel: xnorel@hotmail.com - Dan Longrois
Hichem Badji,Heba Abdelmoneim, Zhipeng Li : Prostaglandins and specialized proresolving mediators in human pulmonary vessels.
Gaelle Merheb, Amel Bouhadoun, Hasanga Manik Purage: Prostaglandins and specialized proresolving mediators in human heart, coronary arteries and pvat.

  • Role of Prostaglandins and perivascular fat tissue in human vascular tone and vascular wall remodelling: Gokce Topal (Istanbul University, Pharmacy Faculty, Dep. of Pharmacology).
  • Molecular and genetic variation of the prostanoid pathway: Karim Chahed, Soumaya Boumiza (Unité de recherche UR12ES06, Faculté de Médecine Sousse, Tunisie).
  • Inflammation and prostanoids: Larissa Kotelevets & Eric Chastre (INSERM U1149, Faculté de Médecine X. Bichat, Paris, France).
  • Prostacyclin analogs and endothelin antagonists in human pulmonary hypertension: Lucie Clapp, Shen Lei, Jigisha Patel (Institute of Cardiovascular Science, University College London, UK).
  • Prostacyclin analogs and Phosphodiesterase inhibitors co-treatments in pulmonay hypertension or erectil dysfunction: Amira Senbel, Wesam Bassiouni (Alexandria University, Dep. of Pharmacology and Toxicology).

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